Submission #4330463

Source Code Expand

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define int long long int
#define MOD(x) ((x % MOD_N) + MOD_N) % MOD_N
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<(b);++i)
#define FORE(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);++i)
#define RFOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(b)-1;i>=(a);--i)
#define RFORE(i,a,b) for(int i=(b);i>=(a);--i)
#define REP(i,n) FOR(i,0,n)
#define RREP(i,n) RFOR(i,0,n)
#define ALL(c) (c).begin(),(c).end()
#define RALL(c) (c).rbegin(),(c).rend()
#define SORT(c) sort(ALL(c))
#define RSORT(c) sort(RALL(c))
#define SZ(c) (int)((c).size())
#define EACH(i,v) for(auto i=v.begin();i!=v.end();++i)
#define REACH(i,v) for(auto i=v.rbegin();i!=v.rend();++i)
#define LB(c,x) distance((c).begin(),lower_bound(ALL(c),x))
#define UB(c,x) distance((c).begin(),upper_bound(ALL(c),x))
#define COUNT(c,x) (lower_bound(ALL(c),x)-upper_bound(ALL(c),x))
#define UNIQUE(c) SORT(c); (c).erase(unique(ALL(c)),(c).end());
#define COPY(c1,c2) copy(ALL(c1),(c2).begin())
#define EXIST(s,e) (bool)((s).find(e)!=(s).end())
#define PB push_back
#define MP make_pair
#define DEL(v) decltype(v)().swap(v)
#define DUMP(x)  cerr<<#x<<" = "<<(x)<<endl;
#define NL cerr<<endl;
using namespace std;
template<typename T,typename U> using P=pair<T,U>;
template<typename T> using V=vector<T>;
template<typename T>bool chmax(T&a,T b){if(a<b){a=b;return true;}return false;}
template<typename T>bool chmin(T&a,T b){if(a>b){a=b;return true;}return false;}
template<typename T>T sum(vector<T>&v){return accumulate(ALL(v),T());}
template<typename T>T sum(vector<T>&v,int a,int b){return accumulate(v.begin()+a,v.begin()+b,T());}
template<typename T>T max(vector<T>&v){return *max_element(ALL(v));}
template<typename T>T min(vector<T>&v){return *max_element(ALL(v));}
template<typename T>T max_index(vector<T>&v){return distance((v).begin(),max_element(ALL(v)));}
template<typename T>T min_index(vector<T>&v){return distance((v).begin(),min_element(ALL(v)));}

struct edge { int to, cost; };

template<typename T>auto&operator<<(ostream&s,const vector<T>&v){s<<"[";bool a=1;for(auto e:v){s<<(a?"":" ")<<e;a=0;}s<<"]";return s;}
template<typename T,typename U>auto&operator<<(ostream&s,const pair<T,U>&p){s<<"("<<p.first<<","<<p.second<<")";return s;}
template<typename T>auto&operator<<(ostream&s,const set<T>&st){s<<"{";bool a=1;for(auto e:st){s<<(a?"":" ")<<e;a=0;}s<<"}";return s;}
template<typename T,typename U>auto&operator<<(ostream&s,const map<T,U>&m){s<<"{";bool a=1;for(auto e:m){s<<(a?"":" ")<<e.first<<":"<<e.second;a=0;}s<<"}";return s;}

const int INF = 1e18;
const int MOD_N = 1e9+7;

template<typename T> class Matrix
      vector<vector<T>> val;
      int m, n;
      Matrix(int a=0, int b=0) : m(a), n(b) {
         val.resize(m, vector<T>(n));
      Matrix(const vector<vector<T>>& vec) : m(vec.size()), n(vec[0].size()) {
         val.resize(m, vector<T>(n));
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            val[i][j] = vec[i][j];
      ~Matrix() {
      Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& mat) {
         try { if (m != mat.m || n != mat.n) throw "Matrix can't be substituted"; }
         catch (const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; }
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            val[i][j] = mat.val[i][j];
         return *this;
      T operator()(int i, int j) {
         try { if (i < 0 || m <= i || j < 0 || n <= j) throw "Bad access"; }
         catch (const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; }
         return val[i][j];
      const Matrix operator+(const Matrix& mat) const {
         try { if (m != mat.m || n != mat.n) throw "Matrix can't be added"; }
         catch (const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; }
         Matrix tmp(m, n);
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            tmp.val[i][j] = val[i][j] + mat.val[i][j];
         return tmp;
      const Matrix operator-(const Matrix& mat) const {
         try { if (m != mat.m || n != mat.n) throw "Matrix can't be subtracted"; }
         catch (const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; }
         Matrix tmp(m, n);
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            tmp.val[i][j] = val[i][j] - mat.val[i][j];
         return tmp;
      const Matrix operator*(const Matrix& mat) const {
         try { if (n != mat.m) throw "Matrix can't be producted"; }
         catch (const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; }
         Matrix tmp(m, mat.n);
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < mat.n; j++) for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
            // tmp.val[i][j] += val[i][k]*mat.val[k][j];
            tmp.val[i][j] = MOD(tmp.val[i][j] + val[i][k]*mat.val[k][j]);
         return tmp;
      Matrix& operator+=(const Matrix& mat) {
         try { if (m != mat.m || n != mat.n) throw "Matrix can't be added"; }
         catch (const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; }
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            val[i][j] += mat.val[i][j];
         return *this;
      Matrix& operator-=(const Matrix& mat) {
         try { if (m != mat.m || n != mat.n) throw "Matrix can't be subtracted"; }
         catch (const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; }
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            val[i][j] -= mat.val[i][j];
         return *this;
      Matrix operator*=(const Matrix& mat) {
         try { if (n != mat.m) throw "Matrix can't be producted"; }
         catch (const char* e) { cerr << e << endl; }
         Matrix tmp(m, mat.n);
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < mat.n; j++) for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
            // tmp.val[i][j] += val[i][k]*mat.val[k][j];
            tmp.val[i][j] = MOD(tmp.val[i][j] + val[i][k]*mat.val[k][j]);
         n = mat.n;
         val.resize(m, vector<T>(n));
         *this = tmp;
         return *this;
      Matrix transpose() const {
         Matrix tmp(n, m);
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            tmp.val[j][i] = val[i][j];
         return tmp;
      Matrix gaussElimination() const {
         Matrix<T> A(val);
         int col = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            int pivot = i;
            while (true) {
               for (int j = i+1; j < m; j++) if (abs(A.val[j][col]) > abs(A.val[pivot][col])) pivot = j;
               if (A.val[pivot][col] == 0) {
                  if (col == n) return A;
               } else break;
            swap(A.val[i], A.val[pivot]);
            for (int j = i+1; j < m; j++) {
               T ratio = A.val[j][col] / A.val[i][col];
               for (int k = col; k < n; k++) A.val[j][k] -= A.val[i][k] * ratio;
         return A;
      int rank() const {
         Matrix A = gaussElimination();
         int j = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            while (A.val[i][j] == 0) {
               j++; if (j == n) return i;
         return m;
      ostream& info(ostream& s) const {
         s << endl << "[";
         for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            s << "[";
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
               s << val[i][j];
               if (j < n-1) s << " ";
            s << "]"; if (i < m-1) s << endl;
         s << "]";
         return s;
template<typename T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const Matrix<T>& mat) {;
   return s;

template<typename T>
Matrix<T> power(Matrix<T> A, int n, int h) {
   V<V<int>> E(n, V<int>(n));
   REP(i, n) {
      E[i][i] = 1;
   Matrix<int> res(E);
   while (h > 0) {
      if ((h & 1) == 1) res *= A;
      A *= A;
      h >>= 1;
   return res;

signed main()
   int H, R; cin >> H >> R;
   V<V<int>> g(R, V<int>(R));
   REP(i, R) {
      REP(j, R) {
         cin >> g[i][j];

   V<V<V<int>>> dp(R, V<V<int>>(1<<R, V<int>(R)));
   REP(k, R) {
      dp[k][1<<k][k] = 1;
      REP(S, 1<<R) {
         REP(i, R) {
            if (!(S >> i & 1)) continue;
            REP(j, R) {
               if (!(S >> j & 1)) continue;
               // dp[k][S][i] += dp[k][S & ~(1<<i)][j] * g[j][i];
               dp[k][S][i] = MOD(dp[k][S][i] + dp[k][S & ~(1<<i)][j] * g[j][i]);
   V<V<int>> num(R, V<int>(R));
   REP(i, R) {
      REP(j, R) {
         REP(S, 1<<R) {
            // num[i][j] += dp[i][S][j];
            num[i][j] = MOD(num[i][j] + dp[i][S][j]);
   Matrix<int> A(num);
   A = power(A, R, H);
   cout << A(0,0) << endl;

   return 0;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task M - 家
User habara_k
Language C++14 (GCC 5.4.1)
Score 5
Code Size 8931 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 949 ms
Memory 183040 KB

Judge Result

Set Name All
Score / Max Score 5 / 5
AC × 9
Set Name Test Cases
All 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 90, 91
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
00 AC 942 ms 183040 KB
01 AC 943 ms 183040 KB
02 AC 941 ms 183040 KB
03 AC 946 ms 183040 KB
04 AC 943 ms 183040 KB
05 AC 949 ms 183040 KB
06 AC 382 ms 78208 KB
90 AC 1 ms 256 KB
91 AC 1 ms 256 KB